Monday, March 05, 2007


I'm not really feeling the love for any of my projects right now. I've got a sweater just started, a scarf that I think I'm going to frog, and my poncho. The poncho is good, I got a chunk done yesterday, it's just a big project. I'm at that point where I'm about 1/2 of the way through the 3rd (of 4) diamonds, and just thinking "when this is done I have to do another one of these!" I did a dishcloth yesterday just to get something done! That's sort of sad. I'm actually currently wanting to learn to crochet and thinking about this baby blanket that I saw at a yarn store that is crocheted, but I think that it would be not a good thing to go buy the yarn and pattern. Perhaps it's that I feel like I have obligation knitting right now, and I'm having a good time with that. Maybe I need to do a couple of baby hats for the NICU, that should get me back on track, right? I have to keep reminding myself, it's all supposed to be fun! This isn't my job, I don't *owe* anybody a handmade ANYTHING, gifts are just that, gifts, and I need to stop being hard on myself.

I think it's that I feel like I'm failing by not doing the things I think I should be doing...that what I want to do (knit socks for me, learn to crochet) feels selfish.

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