Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Day After Thanksgiving!

Ahhh, I am stuffed with turkey, stuffing, gravy and and pumpkin pie. We had just my folks here for Tday, and they left this morning. We had a lovely day, and I actually got a bunch of stuff done! I've had a big pile of projects sitting on the ironing board, and I finally got motivated to finish. I put velcro on two hats for my daughter. One is this wild pseudo-animal print, which I don't like at all, but she picked out and loves. I then put together another hat which will probably go to a friend's daughter, it's the perfect color for her. I put together a stocking cap for DS2, in his most favoritest color: green. I made a simple hat (for some reason I call them envelope hats) for DS1, which has monsters on it. It's tricky, he's at that age where I'm starting to wonder if he's too old for cute little-guy stuff. I don't think so, but I also feel like I don't have a great handle on how big a deal it is at school, you know? Ugh, not my favorite part of parenting. Then I made a cape for DS2. We bought this fabric ages ago, and today I bought a lining for it. I confirmed for myself that I do NOT sew well with slippery polyester fabrics! It's a terrible job but he seems to like it. Mainly I'm just feeling happy that I got some things DONE! I have several pairs of socks cut out that I need to sew, and then I think I'm going to put the fleece away for a while and maybe focus on knitting.

Today I am grateful for the time to do my projects.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh my goodness, I KNOW you! Maybe not very well, but a little bit. :) I'm Julie Boudillion from Littleton - we've met at the library a few months back. I'm really new to knitting, and stumbling around and came across your blog. I loved your blog name, started looking around, and realized that I recognized you! Are you on Ravelry too? I just started out there too. I knit a tiny bit as a kid and started it up again a few weeks ago and I am IN LOVE. It's all I want to do. The house is a mess, my holiday prep is not great, but still - I only want to knit.