Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It's a mystery.

Why is it that every attempt I make to crochet a hat turns out like a big yarmulke? I'm clearly doing something wrong, but I'm such a novice, I can't even figure out what that might be! Clearly I need to take another class.

Off to do some more Jaywalkers. I'm enjoying them, but man, knitting on such tiny needles is SLOW GOING!


Linda said...

I'm hoping my socks won't take very long since my feet are so small....

Knitting with a Purpose said...

I do not have the teeny tiny feet, ah well. Socks just take a long time! I'm thinking I may need to have two pairs on needles at all times: one patterned that requires thought and one plain ole stockinette stitch so I can just knit and knit and knit!