Thursday, March 08, 2007

This isn't a good thing to know.

That Yarnmarket has my credit card on file, so I don't even need to have it handy to order!! Uh oh!!

I ended up returning the Berrocco Plush (and being berated by the sales woman for daring to make a credit card return), and I just ordered a bunch of cotton chenille from Yarnmarket. Yay! I made a washcloth out of the sample ball I bought, and it's lovely! It also claims to be handwash, but I put it through the washer and dryer, and it looks great, didn't shrink at all, held it's shape, etc. It's so nice to work with! I'm not sure why some folks are so down on cotton chenille!!

I finished a hat that will be a NICU hat since it's too small for a full-term baby. I didn't actually swatch (BAD), so I figured it would either work for a friend, or for the NICU. It felt really nice to start a new collection of those hats - it's a good perspective-builder for me when I start moping. So yeah, maybe some stuff has happened that's not been great, but DUDE, you don't have a kid in Childrens' Hospital. Come on. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to know! I have a blanket I want to make for L that needs cotton chenille and I'm happy to have a personal recommendation!