Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer is here!


We've been super-busy here at KWAP, surviving the end of the school year. DS1 is moving on to 1st grade, DS2 will be starting *gasp*Kindergarten! And DD may head off to preschool a bit early next winter, we'll see.

After school ended, we headed up to VT to visit my folks for a few days, which was really fun. At this point I'm quite comfortable doing the drive alone with the kids. DH didn't come with me, he didn't have the time off from work (it was last minute trip) and it was his father's day gift, to be home alone without kids. :) Since we came back, we've started getting into the summer groove: beach and friends. I'm building some reading and housework into the schedule too, and as soon as my friend gets back from RI, I'm getting her baby jogger and I'm going to start the boys running a bit.

I just had an inspiration for a craft project as well. I have a *ton* of kitchen cotton and I want to make a whole bunch of dish cloths, so I can ditch the sponges. I think that has been a plan before, and I did make a bunch but my mom decided she liked them so I gave them all to her. I am going to start off with some crochet, just to get in the groove. We'll see how it goes, I'm tired of sponges that smell like swamp.


Echo M said...

I love that idea.. I just found a baby blanket that I had started and stuck in the "will never get motivated again" bin.. So I frogged it, and not I have 3 or 4 nice big balls of kitchen cotton...So I made some "hyperbolic crochet sponges" You can find them on ravlery, I have a few mods that work great on mine, you can find them under Rav ID Shadedfears. The picture looks like a sea sponge, or coral.

Beth said...

Great minds think alike! I've been wanting to make some dishclothes too! Not because I need them but more because they're small projects and I can practice different stitch patterns. And hopefully get to work on them in small chunks of time.